26 March 2007

You simply aren't taxed enough!

It's always funny to listen to liberals talk about taxes, well funny and sad. See, to them taxes are money the government earns somehow, not money the government takes from you. What they leave you with is considered, to them anyway, uncollected income for the government. Remember back in the 90's when the so-called "surpluses" were happening all over the place and then President Clinton said he could give the people back their money and "hope" they "spent it right"? Just how absurd that statement was is the perfect example of how liberals view your money. You aren't entitled to more of it because you may spend it wrong. Government, on the other hand, knows exacly how to spend and track your money much better than you do. After all, $600 hammers hit nails in faster, therefore saving valuable nanoseconds when it comes to hanging pictures in Pentagon offices.

That said, for more than a decade there was a haven from the intrusion of government into commerce; the Internet. Buying online had both its advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage was that you had to wait to get what you bought and, in the case of things such as clothing, hope it fit and looked as good as it did in the small picture online. Small prices to pay for the convenience of being able to shop anywhere around the country and around the world, but a price to pay none the less. The advantage was no sales tax, i.e. saving money. Well, the government, much like the mafia, doesn't like the idea of transactions taking place without getting their cut. So they tried to impose their sales taxes on businesses that sell to their state residents, even if the company was located in another state.

Thankfully the Supreme Court said forcing companies to comply with 46 different state tax laws (yes, only 46 states have sales taxes) imposed an undue burden on these businesses, and struck down the effort. Never one to take "You can't do that" for an answer, many of the sales tax states banded together to form the Streamlined Sales Tax Project to simplify their sales tax collection policies to the point that they could "comply" with or get around the Supreme Court ruling. It's their money and they WANT it!

Washington state recently join this "Gang of 22." A local paper up there, the Yakima Herald, today is praising the decision to tax transactions of Washingtonians in the last, great free market. Their logic is typical big government liberalism, and they use all the usual buzz words like "fair."It's worth reading if only for a look into the "what's yours is ours" mindset. Check it out by clicking here.

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