29 March 2007

All we are saying…Is give facts a chance.

The second coming of Al Gore juggernaut knows no loyalty to the truth, which isn’t that far off from the first coming when he was an elected official. Never one to let the facts stand in the way of a good story, or even common sense, Gore is planning a massive, world-wide day of music to raise awareness of the greatest myth since the Roswell UFO crash; global warming. I say common sense because he’s planning concerts on every continent including Antarctica. That’s right, Antarctica! He’d have larger attendance on Gilligan’s Island, and probably actually damage the environment less if he did.

No one lives on Antarctica except scientists and penguins. Scientists aren’t known for their love of rock and roll music, and penguins much prefer country, so the concert at the Ice Palace (I doubt that will be the venue’s name, but what else should it be called?) will most likely have record low attendance and only bring bodies and garbage to the Earth’s South Pole.

It doesn’t make any sense, but then what about global warming does? They talk about the earth’s temperature rising by a degree, leading to massive melting of the all the ice on earth, higher temperatures, and drought. Now, I’m as much of a scientist as Al Gore is, which is to say not at all, but it would seem to me that if the earth is warmer, water would evaporate more quickly, and since the laws of physics and common sense dictate that, thanks to gravity, we can’t have oceans in the sky, that water will rain back down on earth. Again, I’m no scientist, but I’m pretty sure I heard once that rain makes drought go away.

But I hate fighting this fight on the terms the Left has laid out. Since the premise is a myth, any argument on those terms, no matter how logical, is irrelevant. When not bound by the facts, logic loses all meaning.

As Al Gore and other Socialists who are pushing their rejected and failed agenda by other means have said, “The debate is over.”

I don’t know about you, but that line brings to mind a teenager and their parents arguing over curfew, not serious scientific discussion.

But the global warming alarmists aren’t interested in serious scientific discussion, they are interested in action to save us from ourselves. We are, after all, dealing with a “fever” that needs attention. Forget the fact that the earth has had many fevers, many much worse than we allegedly have now. In fact, forget facts! They only get in the way and confuse the issue.

Every solution to global warming is what Leftist/Socialist/Communists have been pushing for, and failing overwhelmingly to get, for the last century. Doesn’t that strike you as odd? Or at least a massive coincidence?

Now back to our regularly scheduled rant.

Senator Inhofe (R-OK), fresh from questioning Gore for 15 minutes (15 minutes completely filibustered by Gore and Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) where no real answers were given and Gore refused to stop personally polluting the earth, thereby killing us all) has blocked Al Gore’s plans to have the Washington, DC portion of his concert series on the US Capital grounds, and thank him for that.

It turns out that the National Mall is booked the day of Gore’s concert, and he needs somewhere to host it, so he thought his and his father’s old stomping grounds of the Capitol would be as good a place as any.

Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) was more than happy to accommodate, but Senate action is required, not just the Majority Leader’s blessing. That’s when Inhofe stepped in and blocked it.

This caused outrage that anyone would dare block Oscar winner Al Gore’s concert (just as an aside, Gore didn’t win an Oscar, the Director and Producer did. Gore was the subject of the documentary, not director or producer, so didn’t get one. By the (old) rules of the Academy, Gore shouldn’t have been allowed on stage. No one is allowed to accept an Oscar on behalf of someone else, a rule instituted after Marlon Brando refused his Godfather Oscar and sent an Indian woman up to tell everyone off.).

Outrage or not, the concert is blocked in the US at this point. Knowing Inhofe, I don’t thing he’ll be dropping his hold anytime this lifetime, so Gore will probably have to take his show elsewhere.

Too bad, actually. While I know the whole global warming myth is just that, a myth, and the rise in the earth’s temperature (mild as it is) is perfectly normal as part of the cyclical nature of sun, there are some good bands playing the show.

If it were free, I’d probably go. But there’s no way I’d pay for it. If I want to pay to be preached to by a bunch of liberal nut jobs about how humans, specifically Republicans, and capitalism are screwing up the world all day long I’d just listen to NPR.

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