29 May 2007

Bill Richardson is NOT the decider!

Governor Bill Richardson, who has the best commercial so far this election season, really stepped in it big time the other day. Richardson claims to be a creature that does not exist in nature: both a Red Sox and Yankees fan.

The Governor said, “My favorite team has always been the Red Sox,” he said, then added, “I’m also a Yankees fan. . . . This is the thing about me. I can bring people together.”

First Friday translation: I love the Hatfield’s and the McCoy’s, and dine with each them regularly. (Take that, Hillary! Cubs and Yankees fan, my ass!)

If this is true, it is clearly a sign of the apocalypse. However, since it can not be true, we are safe. For now, this myth will ride off into the sunset on the back of a winged unicorn and be forgotten. Unless, that is, he starts polling more than the atomic weight of hydrogen.

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