07 April 2007

And the band played as the Titanic sank...

The insanity of my home state of Michigan continues. Facing a massive budget deficit, the highest unemployment in the country, and the flight of major businesses (including Comerica bank), Michigan seems to have found the cure for all that ails it; even higher taxes and mp3 players for all kids!

President Herbert Hoover promised a "chicken in every pot" while running in 1928. Now, Michigan Democrats seem to be running under the slogan "An iPod for every kid." This editorial from the Detroit News explains their latest insanity, and how it will, well, be really, really stupid.

Not to worry, the Republicans will come in and save the day, right? They surely will bring some sanity to the logic vacuum that is the state capital, right? If only.In stead of acting like conservatives, they seem to have opted to be "Democrats Light." This strategy is famous for failing everywhere it's been tried and only served to elect Democrats.

To change to old saying slightly, those who don't learn from history are idiots and should go back to school. They certainly shouldn't be making policy. Maybe it's time for EVERYONE in the Michigan legislature to be "retired" by voters. That is if there is anyone left in Michigan in 2008 to vote.

Check out the story.

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